Waldie's Blog

Friday, December 29, 2006

On Oceans...

Our oceans have gone to shit.

How have we managed as a race to be so overwhelmingly, jaw droppingly bad. If we were to think of a person who is dead and gone from the history books what would we think of? What that person left behind, there legacy, there long lasting scar on the fabric of space and time that effects and peturbs life around them for years to come. When we are all dead and gone, what will our legacy be? Unfortunately all that will matter is the attrocity that has become our planet. Think about it, when you die it doesn't mean shit if you have a Ferrari or a Rolex, you can't take it with you, most people know that, they don't spend their life's worrying about the material in the world. So why are we doing this with our planet?

Our planet is, or at least was staggeringly beautiful. If one man could see it's whole ever reaching and almost infinite wonder I believe it would effect them in such a deep way they would never be the same. So why are we so ignorant to it. This vast cradle of life, a haven of possibility in a universe of nothing. 70 percent of the surface of Earth is water, only 98 percent of that is drinkable. Put a person in a hot room, leave them fo a few hours, what will we demand over all else, water. It is us, we cannot live without it, the stuff of life, most of it a relic of a distant explosion aeons ago (the big bang). A substance so pure and perfect, why would anyone want to forsake this amazing gift? How good is it to be in the water, it feels so natural and glorious, but most of our oceans you wouldn't want to be in, because it would scorch your skin and fill you're blood with a neuro toxin just as bad as nerve agents. You're stomach would be filled with plastic debris so there was no room for food and you're throat choked by putrid slime. How have we come to jus throw away such a blessing, why does it seem to be inherent in our nature to just take and take and take? I just don't get it!!!

I'm not going to preach about how you all have to go out and recycle and not eat fish, but do use common sense for once, please. I'm going to do the opposite. Any company/corporation who has ever put any waste into or in a position to enter a water system I hate you. Any employee, CeO, paper pucher at any of these companies, I hate you. It is your fault, you have all contributed. This amazing blessing we can only have once and you have in some way contibuted to pissing it all way. Anyone who knowingly puts litter in anysort of water, stream, river, delta, the sea, a puddle, anything, I hate you. The people in LA that cause miles and miles of pure rubbish to clog the LA river. I hate you. I hate you all, I would gladly see you wiped off the face of the planet, you don't deserve to enjoy its amazing wonder if you are going to do that. I'm part of the human race and from now on I will take it personally when anyone does anything to contribute to this problem. I may not be perfect either but goddammit I've changed my mind, Never again. Never again, this has gone to far.


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