Waldie's Blog

Sunday, December 31, 2006


In a sort of circular logic and compulsory way I agree.

You make a good point. The universe is something we can never truly comprehend, unfortunately, as we just aren't hard wired in the right way to understand its basic properties, so we will probably just never know. The Earth will eventually boil into the sea of fire we call the surface of the sun. The sun will end up a sad lonely ball of rust streaked with nitrogen ice just precession around for eternity. But still, how depressing would it be if our race used its one chance at existing just to throw away the earth. Fair enough, in the end its just another blue green planetoid, like all the other ones. The two key factors are:

1) Every species has managed to keep going without changing the entire balance of nature, how depressing would it be if we were the ones to piss it all away.
2) beaus the Universe is so fucking huge, we can't find another one.

But on to the agreement part. We have some much more deep rooted problems as a race, these I will probably end up writing a blog about someday which will be no doubt full of grammar and spelling erros like like the last one and probably this one. The problem with the environment is just one of the many manifestations of these. However, it turns out to be possibly the most important one. We can't really sit down around the table and resolve our differences, because it looks to be that we just don't have the time. Biodiversity is careering to a halt and bits are falling off Canada. We definitely need to stop killing each other:

1) Because it's just stupid.
2) We need to divert the mind boggling amount of money we spend on death to changing the world for the better, ie fixing all the problems we've caused.

We can worry about politics, religion and society for the next few billion years until the sun runs out of Hydrogen and casts off its outer layers in a temporary death throw before it moves on to its next stage of existence, true none of those things will actually matter then, but still. But only if we give ourselves the chance. Our bodies are pretty crap at surviving, if there is no water and no cool havens for us left to reside, we will slowly die, just like so many other already have done. Is it a good way to go? No, it definitely isn't. It's just not worth it.

At the moment, we're not doing to well for ourselves. Sure we have 65 nanometer transistors and internal combustion engines but that won't mean shit when the water is rising and you're house is on fire. The only alternative to not putting in some effort to helping the planet is the death of the human race, in an extreme way this is true I guess. So I guess we better start clearing up after ourselves a little.


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