Waldie's Blog

Monday, January 01, 2007


Humanity started 13.7 billion years ago when the universe was born out of a cosmic fireball in which a chain of events would be set in motion that would encompass and govern everything that has, is and ever will happen.

Humanity started 4.5 billion years ago when this very planet was forged in a fiery sea around a body that still burns brightly in the skies this very day.

Humanity started 3.5 billion years ago as the elements that give us the life we cherish today were drawn from the rocks we stand on. The perfect blend of atoms and molecules were distilled into a plentiful form that begun to allow sparks of existence to grow and thrive.

Humanity started 70,000 year ago when the last genetic mutation occurred and the human genome locked into place. The seasons of life change for ever as the first mother gives birth first to the first homo sapien child.

Humanity started 6000 years ago when the first people began to harness the powers the earth had given them and extract the fuel in place in the very soils beneath our feet. Agriculture begins in what we call the middle east in the fertile crescent and begins to spread like wildfire along it's length.

Humanity started 255 years ago when Benjamin Franklin first began to suspect that the human race could harness the power of electricity and a new blood began to flow through our veins, but the blood was electrons and the veins were wires and a whole new revolution was set in motion.

Humanity started 102 years ago when Einstein transcribed (or at least began to) the equations that describe the relationship between the two most fundamental qualities in the universe, mass and energy and hint at a new power that we might be one day able to access and provide an almost limitless source of energy at our fingertips.

Humanity started 45 years ago when a commander somewhere in the US military unkowingly started the greatest communication revolution the world has ever known, the internet, which places information and communication within easy grasp of every human being with access to a computer.

Humanity started 20 minutes ago when I started this blog.

Humanity started when I realized that there are a lot of things wrong with the world we live in.

Humanity starts each and everytime another person who feels like the millions of other people out there who have had enough with the norm, had enough with the status quo that keeps our world the same despite how bad its getting and little is being done about things which actually matter, had enough with not being properly represented by a leader who can actually lead.

Humanity starts when people who want to change the world for the better realize they can harness the power of the internet, the power of the nuclear revolution and electricity to change the world we live in that was created all that time ago from material created in the big bang at the start of time itself.

Humanity starts when all these people get together and stand up and speak out against the ingnorance and greed of the people who for some reason have inherited the power in this world.

Humanity starts when the world begins to change and people start being humans again. In a world where the masses are actually represented. Where there are no imaginary boundaries between people, no prejudices, no barriers, no rules. Where each person is the same, has the same chances and the same opportunities to take those chances that were given to them at every one of those junctions described above.

Humanity starts hopefully tomorrow, because quite frankly, I've had enough.


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