Waldie's Blog

Sunday, May 06, 2007

How strange...

As I haven't done a blog, or blogged in verb form, in ages, I thought it would ease myself in with a list of some sort. I really like lists me. Research on lists would reveal that they were devised in 1967 by Mick Jagger who at first charged forty seven pence per list creation and sold them as 'the original direct system for writing many things without prose', however in the early 80's he had a fit of kindness and decided to make them free of charge, except of course lists made with pictures instead of bullet points, but no one uses those, because it makes you look like a spaz. "I had all these thoughts in my head but I just couldn't find a way to collate them in a useful manner." Mick was quoted as saying on the subject. Anyway, on with the points.

Here is my list of some things that are/were/will be in future, in fact, mental:

- Nothing. The thing about nothing is, well, it's nothing, it isn't actually a thing you see. Anytime one thinks of nothing, it becomes a something, looses it's status as nothing and one ceases to be thinking of nothing. This is all instantaneously infered so it is, in fact, impossible to imagine nothing, how metaphysically nuts is that. So did this list item refer to nothing or not? And what does that mean for the status of the item, if I wasn't talking about nothing, it must have been talking about something, and that isn't mental at all, so does that render these sentances pointless, that's up to you...

- Butterflys taste with their feet, crazy bastards: "Imagine that, it would certainly make a chinese buffet more interesting!" Voiced a stunned Mick Jagger when he found out.

- That today is Sunday. Back in the day, someone just decided on the days of the week and at somepoint the seven day week was chosen and a day was designated and the next few hundred thousand seventh days were designated as Sunday. What if the 6th of May 2007 really wanted to be a Tuesday, I bet he was gutted when he found out. Imagine the implications if today had been a Tuesday. I would have had to have gone to lectures an that, but I didn't, just because of one, or several choices back in the day. Mick Jagger was recently heard to loudly remark: "But, what if this was Wednesday, imagine the posibilities!" To suprised onlookers on the London Underground.

- Socks, there's always been something not quite right about socks.

- That two people can 'invent' the same thing independently without knowing the other had done it. Does that mean that they discovered what they devised and it has always had the potential to exist, does that mean it has always existed, and that the universe contains the information of everything that can exist, and if so where does this information come from in a big bang model of the universe? Does this have profound implications on destiny and/or fate? Is this argument a load of toss? Etc.

- Insane people.

- The question: "what language do deaf people think in?" In a recent public information broadcast Mick Jagger said: "Don't do drugs kids, just think about that and you'll be out of it for hours, when I first thought about it, I just sat there tripping out for about 3 days."

- Wave-particle duality, how can it be a particle AND a wave?

- Infinity. It's more than anything you can ever imagine, anything possible, it's big, very big, massive, bloody huge, gargantuan in fact. Surely everything has an end, string, road, kit kat, fence, magnet, but not infinity, that just goes on, and on, and on. "But how can it be infinitly large, there can be no outside to something infinitly big, so it must be everything, so everything must be infinite, but that would make there be just one thing that encompassed everything, would that make it finite?" Is emanent thinker Mick Jagger's confusing take on the subject.

Is this over? I hope so, I can't stand lists.

Who were the people that attacked me? What did they want, I'm leaving.
